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Breis Employee

4.4 ( 144 ratings )

The user (employee) who can access or use the app is created by the Super Admin through the web application.
Once an employee is added to a care home and is given app access from the web, the employee will receive an email which will allow them to set their password. After setting the password, the user can log into the mobile app by providing a valid organization name,username and password.
The employee will be able to see the dashboard when they login. The dashboard will show a welcome message, the upcoming shifts, Leaves/holidays and notifications for that employee. The user can view the details by clicking on the ‘See All’ options in every tab. The notifications icon at the top of the page will allow the employee to view all the alerts related to their work.
The employee can navigate into different modules with the help of options in the bottom navigation bar. The user will be able to see all their upcoming or assigned shifts for the month. The user can view their shifts for the upcoming month or previous month by selecting month from the date picker at the top of the page. The user can apply for extra shifts by clicking on the ‘plus’ icon at the top of the page. This will redirect the user to a listing page which lists the shifts for next 7 days which the employee can apply. This can be done by clicking on the ‘Apply’ button next to each shift.
The user can view the policies of the care home when they click on the ‘Resources’ option in the bottom navigation bar. Under shift management the employee has 3 options - ‘ROTA’, Hours per Week, Apply for leave. The employee will be redirected to their rota page as above when clicking on the Rota option. ‘Hours per Week’ will display the average hours an employee worked.
The employee can apply for leave when clicking on the ‘Leave Apply’ option. The user should enter all details needed and click on ‘Apply’ to apply for the leave.
The employee can also change between their roles assigned by clicking on the ‘Hamburger’ menu at the left of the dashboard. Based on selection the details shown will be updated. The user can also navigate to different modules like ‘ROTA’, Shift Management’, ‘Resources’ and ‘Notifications’ form ths menu too.
The user will be logged out from the application when they choose ‘LOGOUT’ option given in the hamburger menu.